Highlights of the 2006 Season

Click to enlarge image of 2006 plan of trenches
The 2006 excavations were paid for from reserves built up by the Mellor Archaeological Trust plus the continuing grant from Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.

Finding the entrance to the Hilltop Settlement
Click to enlarge image of Adam trowelling entrance to Inner Ditch Trench 43 was an extension of the original Trench 1. To everyone�s surprise, as the deep ditch was extended it ran up against rock that ran across the ditch. An entrance to the fortified settlement had been found. The other side of the entrance was then found just beyond where Trench 33 ended in 2005.

Further excavations in the field (Area B) gave us more information about the area of prehistoric occupation and the age of the outer ditch.

Click to enlarge image of Adam Click to enlarge image of second arrowhead
Adam Thompson had a wonderful season uncovering further large postpits with Medieval finds and two more iron arrowheads.

Several smaller postholes cut into the Iron Age features (making them more recent than the Iron Age) were themselves cut by the Medieval features (making them older than this) The plan will be to follow these up in 2007.

Click to enlarge image of the Old Vicarage Garden on day 25

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